Pinch me I’m dreaming of the Cliffs of Moher

Pictures don’t do it justice. Nevertheless, I will attempt to be your window to the enchanting views the Cliffs of Moher have to offer. It’s amazing to me that it has almost been two years since I’ve seen it in person.

The most incredible thing I’ve seen to date (even still!), the Cliffs of Moher turned out to be a top bucket list item I never knew I had.


Maybe you’re planning a trip, or you’ve already been there; I bet these photos will make you wish you were there right now. Along with some pictures from my visit, I’ve got a few facts for ya that I bet you didn’t know about the beautiful cliffs.


The Cliffs have had major screen time

They’ve starred as the backdrop to many movies, TV series and music videos. Have you heard of the movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? Low budget, Indie film? Ha – gotcha. I’m sure you remember the scene where Dumblebore takes Harry to the horcrux cave; the scene before they enter- yep, Cliffs of Moher. The Cliffs… They’re magic.

And not to mention that The Cliffs were featured on the cover of a U2 album, No Line on the Horizon.




They’ve seen a thing or two…

The first sign of man at The Cliffs was in 1st century B.C. Back then there was a little fort that stood in place of the Moher Tower today. The fort stood until 1780 A.D., as recorded John Loyd in “A Short Tour of Clare.” Back then The Cliffs served as a lookout spot, as well as a place for fishing and quarrying.


If you want the best view, you’ll have to trespass

Millions of people visit The Cliffs of Moher each year, which must be a tad annoying for the neighbors next door.The Cliffs stretch 8 miles along the coast, but some of that is the property of farms. You’ll see a long barbed wire fence next to the hiking trail where cows come up to say hello.

It’s not trespassing, really, but it is a risky move if you want to take pictures on the edge like this one:

Cliffs of Moher edge

To get here we walked by a posted sign that stated going past that point was at your own risk; The Cliffs of Moher association was not responsible for anything that happened to… A little scary to read, but when life gives you an opportunity like that…. Take it!! (but with the utmost caution). One wrong move on The Cliffs and you could end up like the witch in the legend of The Hag and Cu Chulainn.



Did you learn something today, or was this post click bait? Happy St. Patrick’s Day – What was your favorite part about The Cliffs of Moher? Are you headed there soon?